Empower Your Child to Achieve Their Best Potential
Nepean Health Hub, Level 3, Suite 8, 13 Barber Ave, Kingswood, NSW 2747
Phone:02 4721 7710
Fax:02 4757 2710
Macquarie University Clinic
Suite 402 (Level 4), 2 Technology Pl Macquarie University NSW 2109
Phone 02 9812 3950
Assessment of ADHD in Children is complex mainly to rule out similar conditions such as Hearing and Vision problems, Traumatic Brain Injury, Learning Disorder (Dyslexia), Intellectual Disorder, Developmental Trauma (Domestic Violence), Anxiety, Depression and Autism that can present like ADHD or sometimes coexist (called Comorbidities)
1. Vanderbilt ADHD Assessment Scale
NICHQ_Vanderbilt_Assessment_Scale-TEACHER-Informant.pdf (aacap.org)
NICHQ_Vanderbilt_Assessment_Scale-PARENT-Informant.pdf (aacap.org)
2. The Weiss Functional Impairment Rating Scale for ADHD -Parent
WFIRS-Parent_with_Instructions_May_2012.pdf (shared-care.ca)
The Weiss Functional Impairment Rating Scale for ADHD - Self/Child
Weiss_Functional_Impairment_Self-Report.pdf (shared-care.ca)
3. Checklist for Executive Function Skills - for Teacher to choose appropriate Year Level
Elementary - Kindergarten to Year 5
Middle - Year 6 to Year 8
High - Year 9 to Year 12
Microsoft Word - Executive Function Skills Teacher Checklist 181222.docx (bilinguistics.com)
4. CADDRA Teacher Assessment Form for Learning Difficulties
5. Learning Disability Checklist for parents and teachers
tcase_ad (pedineurologists.com)
Year 1 Phonics Check - for Parents
Check for Families-Student (literacyhub.edu.au)
Burt Reading Test
Microsoft Word - Burt Reading Test 3.doc (rrf.org.uk)
Reading Fluency Test
Reading Speed Test: Calculate Words-Per-Minute (WPM) (scholarwithin.com)
NSW Education Dept Info
What to do if your child is struggling to read or write (nsw.gov.au)
Maths primary school homework tips (nsw.gov.au)
Effective reading in the early years of school (nsw.gov.au)
Online test
Free Online Dyslexia Test for Kids - Lexercise - for parents
SDCA (dynaread.com) (need email to start)
SLD - https://www.adcet.edu.au/resource/9450/file/2
DIBELS ® (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) - for teacher
Choose the appropriate school Year under "Benchmark Materials" for scoring
DIBELS 8th Edition Materials | DIBELS® (uoregon.edu)
Refer to the Benchmark by Year equivalent
Microsoft Word - DIBELS8thEditionGoals 08182020.docx (uoregon.edu)
6. Emotional Dysregulation - Questions about your child’s irritability and anger
Questions about your child’s anger (aacap.org)
Emotion Regulation Checklist (ERC) (arabpsychology.com)
NIMH » Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder: The Basics (nih.gov)
8. Irritability Score - Affective Reactivity Index (ARI)
LEVEL 2 – Irritability – Parent/Guardian of Child Age 6- 17* (psychiatry.org)
9. Aggression Scale
Modified-Overt-Aggression-Scale-MOAS.pdf (washington.edu)
10. Challenging Behaviours (ASD/ID) - for Teacher
Questions-about-Behavioral-Function-QABF-Google-Docs.pdf (arbss.org)
PDA - Extreme Demand Avoidance Questionnaire
Functional Analysis Screening Tool (ASD)
Microsoft Word - DeKalb County Consultation .doc (researchautism.org)
Problem Behaviours Q in class with peers - for Teacher
11. Child Behaviours Rating Form (ASD) - for Parents
C:\Doc\NCBRF\SCALES\NCBRF_5.PDF (projectteachny.org)
12. ABC Observational Behaviour Record for Teacher
Observational ABC Form (indiana.edu)
Behaviour Recording Documents - Behaviour analysis resources (inclusiveteach.com)
13. Anxiety
Screen for Child Anxiety Related Disorders (SCARED)
SCARED-form-Parent-and-Child-version.pdf (ohsu.edu)
Social Anxiety
APA_DSM5_Severity-Measure-For-Social-Anxiety-Disorder-Child-Age-11-to-17.pdf (psychiatry.org)
Social Anxiety Test: 3-Minute Self-Assessment (psycom.net)
14. Depression
15. OCD
Microsoft Word - CY-BOCS.parent.docx (thefortchristian.com)
CY-BOCS-selfreport.pdf (wisc.edu)
16. Child Attachment Checklist
childattachchecklist.pdf (reactiveattachmentdisordertreatment.com)
Symptom Checklist for Child Attachment Disorder (jessicalangtherapy.com)
17. Developmental Trauma
Dissociative Experiences Scale - II (DES-II) (novopsych.com.au)
dissociativeexperiencesscale-ii.pdf (traumadissociation.com)
All content and media on the Paediatric Care Clinic Website are created and published online for informational purposes only. Individual medical problems require a specific medical approach depending on the complexity of the issues. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or medical condition. Never disregard the advice of a medical professional, or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Website. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, go to the nearest hospital emergency department, or call the emergency services immediately. If you choose to rely on any information provided by the Paediatric Care Clinic Website, you do so solely at your own risk and Paediatric Care Clinic is not liable for the content created or the external (outbound) links to other websites or educational material (e.g. pdf’s etc…) that are not explicitly created by Paediatric Care Clinic are followed at your own risk. Under no circumstances is Paediatric Care Clinic responsible for the claims of third-party websites or educational providers. Paediatric Care Clinic does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage, however caused (including through negligence), which you may directly or indirectly suffer in connection with your use of the Flourish website or any linked website, nor does it accept any responsibility for any such loss arising out of your use of or reliance on information contained on or accessed through the Flourish website or any third party website that you access through a link contained on the Flourish website. To the extent permitted by law, Paediatric Care Clinic excludes any liability to you for any of the following types of loss or damage (which you may suffer as a result of your use of the Paediatric Care Clinic website) whether the losses were foreseen, foreseeable, unforeseen, unforeseeable, known, unknown or otherwise: Any loss which arose when you first accessed the Paediatric Care Clinic website (even if that loss results from failure to comply with these Terms or negligence on the part of Paediatric Care Clinic); Any loss due to Paediatric Care Clinic not being available at any particular time; Any business loss you may suffer, including loss of revenue, loss of profits or loss of anticipated savings (whether those losses are the direct or indirect result of a default on the part of Paediatric Care Clinic); Any loss which you suffer other than as a result of Paediatric Care Clinic failure to comply with these Terms or its negligence or breach of a statutory duty;Any loss suffered due to the default of any party other than Paediatric Care Clinic; Any loss due to the non-availability or failure of any telecommunications or computer services, systems, equipment or software operated or provided by you or any third party; Any loss or damage caused by any other event not reasonably within the control of Paediatric Care Clinic.
If you wish to seek clarification on the above matters, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Paediatric Care Clinic via Contact Us or email (Get in Touch).