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Paediatric Care Clinic PTY LTD

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Paediatric Care Clinic at Nepean Paediatrics 

Consultation Fees (effective from 2024 January)

Standard Consultation

Initial consult - Item 110 - $380

Follow up consult - Item 116 - $190


Initial Consult - Complex Problems Item 132

- $500 (Rebate est $240.75)
Follow-up - Complex Problems Item 133

- $280 (Rebate est $120.55)
The Helping Children with Autism Item 135

- $550 (Rebate est $240.75)

Formal Assessment + Report Fees $1,000 (Non-Rebatable) in addition to the Consultations

Comprehensive Assessments (each completed by both Parent and Educator/Teacher) include

1. Quantitative Assessment of Likelihood of Autism Spectrum Disorder 

The Autism Spectrum Rating Scale OR

The Social Responsiveness Scale, Second Edition (SRS-2) 


2. Qualitative review of the Autism behaviours as per the DSM-5TR criteria

DSM-5TR Autism Spectrum Disorder Criteria

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Macquarie University Clinic (Centre for Paediatrics)

Dr Winston (Kyi) WIN MYINT OO
MBBS DCH Master of Clin Med FRACP
Care, Compassion, Communication and Quality

Dr Winston Oo is a passionate General Paediatrician trained across the Sydney Children’s Hospital network. He earned a Distinction in Paediatrics when he graduated from the University of Medicine, Mandalay, Myanmar in 2006. He joined Paediatric training in Australia after completing the Australian Medical Council (AMC) Certificate. He subsequently obtained a Diploma in Child Health (South Australia) before completing a Master of Clinical Medicine (Leadership and Management) - CLAM. He is a current Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (FRACP) in Paediatrics and Child Health.

Dr Oo is an all-rounder General Paediatrician, also fluent in Mandarin, and provides patient-centred care for families. He is friendly, approachable and dedicated to providing excellent care to ensure the safety of his patients. He strives to listen and help families achieve the best outcomes for their children and is dedicated to working in a multidisciplinary team. He has helped children from families with bilingual backgrounds get the appropriate therapy for early intervention and funding if it is eligible.

Dr Oo is particularly interested in developmental issues such as Speech Delay, Developmental Delay, Specific Learning disability (previously known as Dyslexia), Learning Difficulty, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Speech delay

Speech/language delay in children is common: up to 19% had isolated language delay and 6.7% had both speech and language delay. If the problem is not picked up timely, “recent research has shown that, on average, 2 children in every class of 30 will experience DLD (Developmental Language Disorder*) severe enough to hinder academic progress.” Children or toddlers with speech delay could be part of Global Developmental Delay (under 6) and later on at risk of developing Intellectual Disability. The speech can also be associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Given the complexity of the problem, Dr Oo will conduct a thorough assessment and necessary investigations, seek information from the school and link in with the allied health team for therapy to come to the underlying diagnosis.

(*DLD = "Developmental Language Disorder" specifically to identify a category of language disorder without associated biomedical conditions)


Dr Oo also has had extensive experience in general paediatric issues including newborn issues, including feeding difficulties, Gastro-oesophageal reflux (GOR) and tongue tie procedure (under 3 months); long-term follow-up of premature newborns who required Neonatal Intensive Care and developmental delay such as delayed crawling/walking; bowel and bladder problems such as chronic constipation; and healthy weight and lifestyle issues. 

Dr Oo has a particular interest in bedwetting - Nocturnal Enuresis (providing successful use of alarm therapy).


Dr Oo is involved in teaching and supervision and received an “Outstanding Student Teaching Award” from Sydney Medical School, The University of Sydney, Nepean Hospital. He has been providing ongoing teaching to Junior Doctors.

Affiliated hospitals

Visiting Paediatrician at Blue Mountains Hospital, Nepean Private Hospital and Ryde Hospital

Children's Health Conditions Managed but are not limited to - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder  Oppositional defiant disorder Autism Spectrum Disorder Aspergers Specific Learning Difficulties/disorders dyslexia dysgraphia dyscalculia conduct disorder Intellectual disability Speech delay Developmental Delay Sensory Processing Disorder Separation anxiety depression aggression anger emotional outburst meltdown tantrum challenging behaviours sleep problems premature baby low birth weight newborn jaundice UTI urinary tract infection hip dysplasia heart murmur cow's milk protein intolerance allergy asthma hay fever recurrent chronic prolonged cough iron deficiency reflux colic constipation bed wetting enuresis urinary incontinence tics Tourrette seizure epilepsy poor feeding difficulties fussy picky eating vomiting diarrhoea bloody stools poor weight gain failure to thrive faltering growth short stature

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